
Conservation. To conserve something.

One planet that we all share. Whether you believe that human life evolved on Earth or that the Earth was given to humankind by God as our home, it doesn’t change the fact that we only have one. This is the same planet that our relatives lived on in decades and centuries past, and the same planet that our future descendants will live on.

What a ways we’ve come on this planet. We are a global civilization and no part of the Earth is untouched by our actions in some way.

We have the ability to extract resources from deep in the Earth. To make large regions of the planet’s surface suitable for farming to feed ourselves. Our industries producing a vast array of consumable products. Fleets of trucks, cars, ships, planes, and trains to deliver it all.

With great power comes great responsibility.

However we arrived on this Earth, it’s our responsibility now. Our responsibility to pass it on to future generations in good condition.

There are plenty of people and companies who only care about the short-term, making a dollar now, for themselves, no matter the cost or impact to the one planet we all live on. The planet we all share, with each other, and future generations. What we do now, or what we allow to happen now, to our planet, affects not just us, but those future generations who will be living on the exact same planet.

Hopefully, wherever you are reading this, you are able to enjoy clean air and clean water. Hopefully, you still have unspoiled nature to explore. Hopefully, you’re able to hear the full chorus of birds, frogs, grasshoppers, and cicadas that past generations have enjoyed. Hopefully, you can enjoy the simple pleasure of watching a bumblebee at work, going from flower to flower gathering pollen.

Hopefully, all these same things can be enjoyed by future generations. But we can do better than hope. We can make sure they’re able to enjoy them. By conserving them.




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